Believed to be a fortunate charm. Used for warding off spirits, secure journeys, wisdom and elongated life and for slowing down ageing. Brings peace and serenity and is best for high blood pressure, heart and circulation problems, diabetes and kidney and bladder problems. Jade comes in Green - shades of green differ according to type of jade, (nephrite jade be inclined to be a mossy olive green). Some is dyed other colors.
Believed to have magical properties and guard against the evil; eye, witchcraft and phantasms. Promotes the person to do good deeds. Also used for enhancing the sense of smell, calming emotional problems and guilt feelings, lowering blood pressure and aiding kidney, stomach and bladder complaints, biliousness, and epilepsy. Has the power to console. Jasper may vary, normally yellow/orange.
common magical and healing properties. For quietening fears, helping the grieving process and guarding from violence and illness. This gemstone is mainly for headaches, toothache, glandular swelling, stomach pains, epilepsy and hysteria. Considered in the past to be a powerful magical talisman to ward off negative influences. This comes in black.