Sapphire is the symbol of truth, associated with saints, yogis, mystics and healers. Excites imagination and brings devotion, faith and peace, curbs impulsiveness and encourages sympathy. If soaked in water, makes healing eye lotion, also helpful for nervous protests and asthma. This stone comes in blue.
Purifies energy centres and has stabilizing effect, particularly in material matters where it encourages frugality. Heals and lifts depression and is used to help psychic ability and meditation. This stone is to benefit the abdominal areas, kidneys, pancreas and sexual organs. This stone is in transparent Smokey brown.
For courage, endurance, open-mindedness, logic and rationality and for bringing light-heartedness, youth and freshness. Used to lower blood pressure and fever. This stone is believed to have a healing result on animals if placed near their domain. Sodalite comes in Dark blue.
For descriptive thoughts and expanding mental powers.
Spinel is used to reinforce character, brings idealism and harmony and decrease stress. Also to encourage nerve and muscle function and aid stomach acidity and depression. Best for spine. A stone preferred by musicians as it is said to inspire them. Spinel comes in red.
This gem stone boosts up and brings energy absorbs garbage.